Internship/Alternance Opportunity: AI, ML, Data Science


Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France

The offer

Torus AI (, a thriving start-up founded in 2019, specializes in pioneering artificial intelligence solutions for the realms of healthcare, well-being, and signal processing. Our growing team has 30+ highly-qualified professionals in Toulouse, plus 70+ more people at our sister companies. Presently, we are investing strongly in generative AI technologies, laying the groundwork for future mainstream products and services.

We’re seeking motivated M2 students for an exciting internship or alternance in the realms of AI, ML, and data science. The duration of the position ranges from six months to one year.

As part of our collaborative efforts, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking projects, track industry and academic advancements, and play a role in organizing seminars.


  • Develop effective AI, ML, and data science solutions.
  • Stay updated on recent advancements in AI in industry and academia.
  • Organize seminars and foster collaboration with other research teams.


  • Strong background in mathematics or computer science.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Proficient in Python programming.
  • Familiarity with the foundations of AI and machine learning.
  • Hands-on experience with Pytorch library is a bonus.
  • Proficient in English.

Working conditions and compensation

Benefits of the internship:

    • A dynamic working environment with continuous learning opportunities.
    • Immersion in a dynamic environment at the heart of technological innovation.

Benefits at Torus also include…

    • A gym accessible to all employees on our premises.
    • A relaxation room and games available to you.

Application process

This offer has already been filled, but you can consult other current offers or make a spontaneous application.

Join our team

Top scientists, who are the soul of our company, are looking to expand their ranks.

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